Showing all 12 results
Crouching, back end elevated, C.M.
Walking up limb, right front foot raised up, L.T., C.M.
Running,Lt. front foot on ground, C.M.
Standing on hind legs, R.T., C.M.
Sitting on haunches, L.T., C.M.
Crouching, front end elevated, RT., CM.
Front elevated, L.T., C.M.
Sitting on haunches, R.T., C.M.
Sitting up on haunches with a left twist & turn to body, L.T., C.M.
Sliding in snow, L.T. front foot forward, C.M.
Standing, front end elevated, C.M.
Flying Squirrel. Gliding position, slight L.T., C.M.